Seven successful steps for Ph.D. research students

                         Seven successful steps for Ph.D. research students

Life of a Ph.D. is like a rollercoaster, there may be ups and downs. however, destiny and passion will drive you over the goal. Below are the steps:

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1. Care and maintenance of your Supervisor

2. Write and show as you go

3. Be realistic, it's not a Nobel prize

4. Say no to distractions: Even the fun ones and the ones you think you must do

5. Its a job: that means working nine to five, but you get holidays

6. Get help: you are not an owner-operator single person business

7. You can do it: A Ph.D. is 90% persistence and 10% intelligence

The race is long, but hold the breath until you reach the goal!!!

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Notes adapted from ThinkWell.


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