Early intervention on Autism spectrum disorder

Following are the notes taken from the Lecture given by Prof. Sally Rogers, UC Davis in UoA, New Zealand.
The main highlight of the lecture was the early intervention, how you can easily classify and identify. How, they could be intervened earlier, so that they get best of the treatment.
"Turn up the volume of social contest"- By Rogers
The most important fact she discussed is that, kids with this disorder are lack of Imitation skills. She has proved that through literature's, children who has better imitation skills show better outcome.Moreover, How to make the kid to improvise the skills.
She demonstrated with a therapist just making a task of "playing the single drum", with a 2 year kid.
1. She started the task, and followed by kid responded
2. She gave single word command like go, stop, slow, fast
3. The kid followed systematically, what the therapist did
4. She followed assendo manner of increasing and decreasing the speed
5. Positive response or feedback provided by the therapist
6. this was performed for an hour period

She commented that, just a simple task but it gather wholesome of basic things.
Below are the attachment for your reference




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